“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Monday, August 17, 2009


Please excuse my blog ignorance! I will work on it! I'm sure you can figure out which photos go with which caption!

Micah's first haircut in Nairobi - before and after.
Micah on the slide at Tickles, a great play place where they already know his name!
A market in Machakos.


  1. Glad to know you are alive and well. Been praying for you and miss ya tons! The kids would love to see Micah if ya'll make it to Uganda in November (and we'd love to see you too!). Love ya'll and miss you.

  2. Char, this is Jill, didn't know Joel had posted as well. I love the pictures and the story of the Matatu - it's so much funnier because I can relate. How was the homestay? Sorry about the discovery of MooMoo #2 - maybe it will be okay when "Bath" time comes for MooMoo #1. write sometime: jjskinner@aimint.net and our blog is skinnersaim.blogspot.com love you, Jill
