“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Few Signs We've Enjoyed!

We often see interesting signs when we're out and about, so we decided to start taking pictures. The first is near a cemetary we often pass on Langata Road. We really have no clue what it means!

While sitting in stop-and-barely-go traffic on our way out of Nairobi one day, I spotted this sign outside a little shop. Buy your shovel, broom head, rope, and oh yes, don't forget your housegirl!

Lastly, my favorite! I spotted this sign while waiting in line to check out at Uchumi, a grocery store. Around the holidays I came to realize that the increase of the goats I was seeing was not because people were getting pets or starting small herds. It was getting close to holiday meal time! I haven't seen the two white goats that first showed up in the field in our complex, but the black and white one is still happily grazing!

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