“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Monday, December 21, 2009

Several of you have asked what it is like where we live. Here is a visual. I stood at the end of our driveway and took a shot looking in each direction.

Looking straight ahead is about 5 houses on each side then the road ends at another house (white gate) so it is a dead-end.

Looking right (pic with large white truck) is the gate to our section of the complex we live in. The gate is kept shut and is manned 24/7 by a guard (see Micah with one of the guards below.)

Looking left are 4 houses, a corrugated steel wall, then the railroad tracks (so, another dead-end.) Yes, we hear the train! They do not hesitate to toot their horns (or whatever it is that trains do!) at all hours of the day and night!

Here is Micah and the twins, Barry and Larry (or Body and Lody as Micah calls them with his Kenyan English accent!). This guard is Evans, and he is so nice and just loves the kids!
Micah and Evans

The kids love to "race" up and down the street. Poor Micah tries so hard to win but he is very cautious of the rocky, very uneven road so he doesn't "win" often (he fell and scraped his knees every day when we first moved here!) It breaks my heart when he tells me that he always loses, but recently he has been beating Barry! He has such determination as you can see by his clenched fists and his face!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! These pics are great. Especially Micah running...poor little guy!
