“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The holy of holies

Just finished Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place" today with the Bible study group I'm in. I'm not real keen on video Bible studies but I endured and was really challenged today.
The premise of this study is learning about the Old Testament tabernacle and how it relates to us today. As you most likely know, the OT tabernacle was made up of the outer courtyard, the Holy place, and the Holy of holies where the ark of the covenant was kept. This last section was separated from the others with a huge veil, the veil which was torn when Christ died on the cross, making the final and ultimate sacrifice for all!
Beth Moore wrote, "My friend, how He beckons you. How He longs for you to enter through the veil He tore for you. We have only this one experience to know Him as mortals. We can live our lives on the outer perimeters of our salvation, in Christ but not with Christ, or we can accept the challenge to enter and behold His glory!"
"Can you live with the mediocrity of life in the outer court when you have been invited to dwell in the excellence of the innermost place? If you dare enter, you will never be the same. Nor will anyone around you."
These are the words that challenged me, that have caused me to examine my life and realize that I have just been living day by day rather than embracing the life I have in Christ, and accepting and receiving all that He has for me.
Sure, it's nice in the outer court. It's comfortable, and it's safe. As I consider dwelling there though, I see that for me it is a place of being lukewarm. It is where I spend my time looking around rather than up! We know what God says about being lukewarm!!
I have a choice! Will I continue to allow my precious days to pass, leaving behind all of the blessings God had for me each day but I missed because I was busy just getting through the day, or will I choose to leave the comfort of mediocrity, pass straight through the Holy place and enter into His presence?
"How deep you will allow God to draw you into His dwelling place is a choice only you can make." (Moore)

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