“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A tribute to Kahawa

Kahawa, our 1-1/2 year old cat, died at the vet last night. We got him from another missionary family who was leaving last September. He didn't really become "our" cat until after we had him fixed. Then he stopped taking off, rarely stayed out all night, and was much friendlier, and more loving and playful!

We still don't know exactly what happened. I brought Kahawa to the vet Tuesday morning, and was told that he was hypothermic and had a large solid mass in his abdomen. He stayed over night, and even with a heating pad his extremities were still cold. The vet was not willing to do any procedures since Kahawa was too weak, and by Wednesday evening the vet informed us that Kahawa's condition was worsening and to be prepared that he might not make it through the night.

Well, he didn't make it through the night! I didn't realize that I had gotten so attached to him! Robb used to always say, "He's your cat!", and he was actually right! For some reason, Kahawa had decided that he was my cat! Whenever I sat down he would jump into my lap, often sharing it with my laptop. He would follow me around the house, play hide-n-seek around the laundry basket whenever I was taking clothes off the line, and generally just seemed to always want to be with me!

Our favorite memory of Kahawa is how he would playfully antagonize Micah. Kahawa would lay on the couch behind Micah's little chair and randomly reach out and swipe at Micah's neck or head! We would try hard not to laugh because he did sometimes scratch Micah, but we like to think of it as Kahawa giving pay backs! (I tried unsuccessfully to post a short video showing this.)

We already really miss him!

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