“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One Year!

Today, June 24th, marks one year since we left San Diego to begin serving here in Kenya (although we didn't arrive here til the 27th due to a brief orientation stop at AIM in NY.)
This year has gone by very fast! It does not feel like one year to either Robb or myself. A couple of weeks ago we were talking about how we felt our first year has gone and what we might do differently in the next year. The thing that came up for both of us was to live in the moment and to really "be" here. We felt as though we spent much of our time during our first year in a transitional mode - living in a transitional house (which, incidentally, we have decided to stay in for our next year!), adjusting to, and even still getting used to the traffic and driving (or should I say drivers!), the so different time factor in that everything really does take longer, and visitors and people selling things (like Mama Samaki who sells fish) always require time, usually when you are "busy"!
We miss our families and friends, and are so thankful for so many who faithfully keep in touch! It has been difficult at times to be away for things like holidays, birthdays, Char's nieces 18th birthday, her high school graduation, and seeing her off to university soon.
As we enter into our second year we are prepared to persevere and finish well!
Enjoy some pics of our first year: Family pic at AIM in NY, June 25, 2009;
Micah standing on some of our Action Packers at Newark airport, June 26, 2009;
Micah standing in front of our Christmas tree and opening his new used bike, Dec 2009;
Micah's 4th birthday party, Jan 19, 2010; Micah's 1st day of school, Feb 2010;
Micah and Robb on scooter, March 2010; Family pic at Hell's Gate Nat'l Park on Father's Day, June 20, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary! Glad to see Isaiah's part of the fam :)
