“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fun Micah sayings

Just found some fun things Micah said written in a small notebook that I just have to share. Some are from the end of last year.

"Look Mommy, billions of clouds coming from America!"

"I was there a-fore; a long time ago; before you and daddy." I asked him, "How did you get there? Did you drive?" "No, I took a donkey. Donkey's are fast!"

"Mommy, how do clouds connect?"

Already in our estate and around the corner from our house Micah asks if he can ride in "the boot". I told him I was not going to stop the car, open the back, and get him in there just for 2 seconds. He remarks, "Two seconds is over. I know two seconds. 1-2, see?"

In the airport last week waiting to greet our Kenyan friends from America (here to visit their families), Micah says loudly, "Look, that man has a dress" as he points in front of us to a Muslim man wearing a tunic.

"I want to watch the Jesus movie" (aka The Easter Story, an animated kids video.) After watching "the Jesus movie" Micah says reflectively, "Now that's a really good movie!"

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