“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New bike from Grandmas and great Mama!

Last week we went to a bike shop and bought Micah a new bike from his Grandma Mary, Grandma Rita, and Great Mama! Micah was still riding the used bike we bought him last year from another missionary family but he really was getting too big for it. We decided to get him a bike made in Mexico imported here from the US. (The bikes they make here literally fall apart soon after purchasing!) Micah chose the very shiny chrome colored bike over the bright blue. He is still getting used to it - it is quite a bit bigger than his old bike - but he'll get the hang of it. We'll know he's adjusted to it as soon as we see him doing his "scram-bles" again!
Thanks Mom, Rita, and Mama! You've made one happy boy even happier!

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