“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The pain of sacrifice

My sister Susan emailed me early this week to inform me that my almost 20 year old cat, Matthew, that she was taking care of for me, was not doing so well. She Skyped me the next day to tearfully say that she had to have him put down.
When we left home one year ago I knew that there was a really good chance that I wouldn't see my Matthew cat again. He had been diagnosed with kidney disease a few years ago and I knew that he could go downhill anytime.
Susan kept me posted on my cat. She even sent pictures last August and I was amazed at how healthy and wonderful he looked! He obviously was being well taken care of and loved on!
Unfortunately that only caused me to believe that he would still be around when I get back next year.
Besides my cat Pokey I had when I was growing up, Matthew was the best cat I ever had, and I've had quite a few cats. It is a very painful loss, and I will miss him dearly. He lived a good, long life though and made many people happy!

Thanks again Susan, Alan, Alexander and Matthew for making Matthew Cat's last year of life special and filled with love!

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