“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It was only 20 minutes!

Micah gave us a good laugh the other morning. We wish we had thought to take pictures but we were trying to be serious. Micah went downstairs around 7am, and I think Robb and I were both waiting for the other to get up. I kept thinking "It's not a good idea to leave him down there alone" but I persisted (I was soooo tired and I hardly ever get to sleep in). So Robb finally went down around 7:20, and then I heard Micah say, "Daddy, look, it's beautiful!" Robb called up to me, "I need your help, right now!" I flew out of bed and ran downstairs!

Micah had climbed the chair arm and taken down 4 bottles of paint and paint brushes that my sister Susan had sent. He took a piece of paper off the dining table (happened to be a copy of pics of my nieces that my mom sent) put it on the coffee table and proceeded to "paint"! He ended up dumping paint on the piece of paper, which was hanging off the table so paint had poured down onto the rug. Micah had taken his jammy pants off so his legs were covered with paint as well as his jammy top, arms and face! (not like when he painted himself tho). We then saw that our cat Kahawa had blue paint on his head. We assumed it poured onto him but Micah said, "I put it there with the paint brush! I wanted a blue cat!"

At this point Robb and I were looking at each other holding back from laughing hysterically!! Thankfully the paint came off the rug and the table, and it is almost out of Kahawa's fur. The paper with my nieces pics on it was obviously ruined, and his jammy shirt stained! Micah was given a time out, but we did acknowledge it was partly our faults for being immature and waiting for the other to get up first!

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