“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Thursday, October 22, 2009

5 Years!

Saturday was our 5 year anniversary! It seems like so much longer – in a good way, of course! We arranged for Micah to go to Angie’s house, again (Kurt’s out of town)! Kurt and Angie have a 12 year old son (their 2 oldest are away at university) whose name is also Micah (We refer to them as Big Micah and Little Micah.)

All three of them are great with kids, and our Micah loves going over their house. When we got to their house, Angie had already made sugar cookies and they were going to decorate them! Big Micah graciously allows Little Micah to play with his Lego plane, trucks, helicopter… made with the tiny Legos!

Anyway, this post is about us and our anniversary! We dropped Micah off around 4:30pm or so and headed out to an area in Nairobi called Westlands. We parked at a fairly new, very modern, upscale mall and then walked across the street to some furniture “shops”. These are outdoor mind you, and they just set up their furniture on the side of the road and will usually have a book of photos showing different styles and pieces they make.

We did not order anything (pricey and we still do not know exactly what we want.) I did tho buy some fun toys for Micah for Christmas. They are made out of thick metal wire and what resembles black inner-tube material. I bargained them down to 300/- each (or around $4.00.) There were several men selling these things and after buying a couple of them, a man approached me with his and said, “I will make the same price.” The look on his face was priceless when I said, “Okay, 300/- ?” He could not believe that I bought them for that price, though he did sell me one for 300/-. They are used to getting more from wealthy residents and/or tourists. Now Robb says he wants some too!

For dinner we went to a Japanese restaurant called Onami’s. Several people recommended this restaurant to us. It had very nice ambiance and only a few other tables were occupied since it was only 6pm.

Of course we had sushi!! We did not think we’d have sushi again for a couple of years! It was good, however we had to ask them to make the Spicy Salmon extra extra spicy since we did not even sniffle!

In conversation with our waiter, we told him we were celebrating our 5 year anniversary. After dinner, our waiter brought us a free dessert (a small chocolate lava cake and vanilla ice cream) and one of the managers hit this huge gong five times! Thankfully there were not many people in there!

We then headed downstairs to ArtCaffe – a coffeehouse restaurant – and had decaf mochas and dessert! We were gone for about 4-1/2 hours! It was so nice to go out, relax, enjoy yummy food, and spend some time together!

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