“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rainy Days

The rains are making for interesting days! We decided to go looking at furniture last Saturday - what an adventure!
It hasn't really rained that much yet but we are already seeing the effects!
Green grass for the skin and bone cattle, green tree lined road out to Karen, and mud, mud mud!!

We headed out to a section of Ngong Road that is literally Furniture Row! It is shop after shop after shop of furniture makers pretty much selling the same things give or take a few unique pieces.
Each shop displays various pieces of furniture, rain or shine, and you just walk along discreetly scanning everything for what might catch your eye. You WILL be approached by "salesmen" at each shop who will make every attempt to get you to buy from them.
We didn't decide on any furniture that day but saw other fun things, like interesting shoppers,
and one-stop shopping: furniture, lawn mowers and tomb stones!

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