“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Friday, October 16, 2009

Power rationing, rain, and other late nite thoughts!

The word on the street is that the power rationing has officially ended - for now! Some of you may not have known that Nairobi (and surrounding areas) has had power rationing for a while. Different areas had different schedules. Our schedule was no power Tues., Thurs., or Sat. Although we were scheduled to have power Sun., Mon., Wed., & Fri., we would still experience random power outages! The nice thing is that we knew, for the most part, what days we would not have power so we could plan ahead.
So now, we have power every day, for the most part! Robb made an interesting observation though. What a coincidence that the power rationing ends about the same time that the power rates increase by 36%!! Hmmmmm!!
We have had rain off and on for the past several days! I awoke a few nights ago to rain falling hard and fast - not the kind of rain we need here! We have had more rain though yesterday and today. New leaves are blooming, and we are seeing a bit more green! Is this the arrival of the infamous El Nino? I guess we cannot really tell yet. Similar to southern California, rain causes slippery roads and accidents galore!
We are definitely still in the middle of a serious drought. Sadly, it is not raining in areas where it is most needed. Please continue to pray for long, slow rain that will help restore crops, and provide food and water to people & animals! (I'll post some rain-related pics tomorrow!)
Why is it that I cannot go to bed early? Robb was tired at 9pm so he went to bed. I was tired at 9pm but...here I sit at 11:15pm still playing with this blog! There is no possibility of sleeping in - the latest Micah will wake up is 7am, and here I sit!
Okay people! It is now midnight and I have one question - where oh where has my downloaded photo gone??!! I give up and I'm going to bed!

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