“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cat story

As most of you know, we are cat people (Micah and I also like dogs but Robb is not so keen on them.) We were so anxious before leaving the states about what to do with our two cats, Matthew & Trouble. Although they are both older cats, they were still active and playful! God is so good even with things like pets! Robb's mom, Rita, said she would take Trouble. As you can gather from his name, he can make life interesting! Well, Rita says that he is doing very well! He occupies her lap whenever he gets a chance and enjoys her backyard!
God really proved His goodness with Matthew. Randomly (without any pleading or coercing), my brother-in-law, Alan, who is dreadfully allergic to cats) mentioned to my sister Susan that they would take Matthew as long as he did not have an allergic reaction! Wow! That was really big of him!! (Seriously Alan!) The other factor with Matthew living with them is that they have a big dog, not something our cat had really been exposed to! Well, Susan is happy to report (and I am sooo thankful to hear) that Matthew is doing GREAT! He and the dog get along great (they touch noses) and Alan is still breathing! Thank you God and thank you Rita and Susan (and Alan, Alexander, Matthew & Kasick!)
Now God has given us the opportunity to help out a missionary family who returned to the states while blessing us with a cat! We bought a few items from Debra and her family last month. Each time I went to her house I would see this cute white and tan cat sleeping in her front yard. They named him Kahawa, which means "coffee" in kiswahili, but she said they should have named him "chai" or tea because he looks more like chai than coffee!! I asked her what was going to with Kahawa and she still did not know, but was going to have to take him to the animal shelter if no other options came up.
I had talked to Robb but he did not think we should get a cat so soon. Well, the last time I went to Debra's house she said that they were going to bring Kahawa to the shelter that next morning. I called Robb and he said, "Okay, we'll take him." Debra and her family were so thrilled to know that their cat was going to live with a family and be well taken care of.
Kahawa has brought us joy and I believe has even helped in our transition! Micah loves him and he tolerates Micah's "pets"!

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